Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Palmer Nights

Palmer Nights, originally uploaded by Katie Cannon.

This is from yesterday.

Poor Cruz is sick this week. He has been coughing and congested and it doesn't seem to be getting any better. Hopefully it is working its way up and out. Poor Guy:(

I have also started to put his room together. It is time for him to have a big boy room. So I moved a shelf in there and laid it on the floor so we can stack his books and toys in there.

Over the weekend Steven had to work 31 hrs straight. He got called out on Thursday about 6:30 to work in Anchorage. While he was there they got another call for Kenai. Some part broke so they had to wait for someone to bring another part out from Anchorage. He didn't end up getting home until 8:00 Saturday morning. That's why we weren't at Church on Sunday he slept straight through it.

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