Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Moose Droppings Festival

Moose Droppings Festival, originally uploaded by Katie Cannon.

Over the weekend we drove out to Talkeetna for the Moose Droppings Festival and Steven's softball tournament. We got there to late to play in the morning game so we watched the parade and looked around at the booths. I stood in line for about 20 mins at the only working ATM in town to get enough money to buy an ice cream. As we were walking around we saw a group of friends from Church and other softball players we knew from Wasilla. Mainly we were waiting to see when the next game was. We finally found out it wasn't going to be until 8 pm so we looked at each other and said "Well let's go home." So we loaded up Cruz, the stroller, several bags of supplies, our jackets (even though it was almost 90*), the bat bag and ourselves and high tailed it back to Palmer. We had fun and Steven's team ended up winning the tournament the next day.

I'll post some more pictures later and if you want to see my flickr pictures I thing you can just click on the photo above and it should take you directly there.

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