Saturday, July 17, 2010

The Picture Allison Took...

I love to take pictures, but I would also love to be good at getting my picture taken... but I'm not!

I can sit around all day long and think about different poses or angles 
but when I get in front of a camera... 

...all the muscles in my face tense up...
...I get a goofy uncomfortable grin plastered on my face... body morfs into all kinds of weird shapes...
...And I totally loose control of myself...

However last night as the sun was slowly setting I called Allison to see if she wanted to come over and model for me.

Because she is AWESOME! she arrived...

It was about 10:30 or 11:00pm when the sun started to shine through the clouds again.
I was so getting so excited about the different frames and all the golden liquid color : D

Then she asked if I wanted her to take some shots of me... 
Sure.... uh.... ok, so what do I do now...????

So all the muscles in my face tensed up, I grinned my goofy grin, my body morfed, and I had no idea what to do...

...but there was one picture. A shot of me standing their contemplating on what I should do next...

...And I Love IT!!!

Sunday, July 4, 2010